Monday, April 19, 2010


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Before you jump to any wild conclusions ... let me say that you will NOT make $136,808 this month - or next month - using the online money-making methods I'm teaching to 500 lucky people.

There are plenty of websites out there making ridiculous promises of instant Internet riches, but the truth is ... it's taken me years to get where I am today. I sure didn't "get rich quick" online.

But I did get rich - using only my laptop computer and an Internet connection.

And to prove that this offer is 100% real I made this live video to show you that I really do earn ridiculous amounts of money online, so you know I'm not wasting your time ...

If you have a digital camera (or you are thinking about getting one) and you have ever wished that you had more money coming in to pay off debts, buy those little extras you’ve always wanted, or just to save for a rainy day … then this is definitely the most important letter you'll read today!

Here’s why:

I’m about to reveal how you can make up to hundreds or even thousands of extra dollars a week taking pictures and submitting them onto the internet in your spare time! You can make money even if you have absolutely no photography training to speak of because my proven and tested system introduces you to several photography opportunities that are so easy - even "newbies" can make money with them. These powerful, genuine, and legit photography opportunities require no need for expensive photography printers or machinery!

It’s true.

You don't need any special printers or expensive photography equipment because all of the pictures you take will be uploaded directly to the internet! You don’t need to know anything about digital cameras or photography to make money with this system, as I am prepared to teach you exactly what you need to do in order to get started right away.

  • How to earn ongoing residual revenue by submitting photos to newly discovered in demand photo sitesfollow these tips to earn profits from your digital photographs around the clock, 24/7 - Make money even while you are sleeping!
  • How to ensure you are getting the best fee possible for each photo you upload online – don’t get taken advantage of ... find out here how to ensure you are paid what your photos are really worth!
  • A little-known photography market that is exploding thanks to the internet – act now to get in on the ground floor of this exciting opportunity that could very easily allow you to earn a full or part-time income!
  • How to get very-very large commissions by taking pictures of vehicles for sale in your local area and uploading them onto eBay motors. I'll show you how I regularly get commissions of $500 - $2000 for just a few hours worth of work!
  • How to put yourself in a buyer’s shoes and always shoot to sell – find out what buyers are looking for and the easiest ways for you to deliver exactly what they need!
  • Who pays the highest rates – and how to get them to not just accept your work but beg for it!
  • How to turn your photos into screen savers and other money-making products – follow these tips to create multiple revenue streams that will send profits flooding your way!
  • How to easily find websites that will practically beg you for your photos - and who’ll be willing to pay a premium for each photo you submit to them!
  • How to select the right keywords to use with your photos when you upload them online – use the wrong keywords and your sales may slowly suffer, use the right keywords and sales will soar rapidly ... find out everything you need to know to ensure the latter here!
  • What a "field rep" is and how you can start providing this in-demand service immediately – this could be the money-producing opportunity that you have been dreaming about!
  • How to sell your images on your own website and keep all the profits for yourself – includes expert advice on how to post your photos on a web page, how to flood your site with traffic and how to write copy that is sure to sell your photos like crazy!
  • How to sell your images offline – discover everything you need to know to open your own profitable brick and mortar photography store!
  • How to make money in the competitive world of celebrity gossip sites – these tips will give you the advantage you need to begin dominating the competition!
  • How to take pictures of sporting events and sell them online – it’s not as difficult as you might think … in fact, follow these tips and it will be downright easy to earn extra money this way!
  • How to dramatically improve your chances of getting each one of your photos accepted by all of the photo sites.
  • How to make your images look professional for extra cash even if you are an amateur just starting out – find out how to get the perfect shot every time!
  • What to take pictures of – find out what types of images are in the most demand here!
  • How to sell your photos like hotcakes on eBay – you’ll be amazed at how easy this is to do when you follow these simple tips!
  • And much, much more!

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