Wednesday, April 21, 2010




Would you like to earn money by shopping at retail stores, eating at restaurants and evaluating your experience through online questionnaires? Would you like to enjoy the perks of free meals, free products and free services?

Mystery shopping is truly an awesome way to earn a paycheck and I always find my friends and family asking me how I do it. So I have decided to create this web site to teach people how to become professional mystery shoppers. In this web site I will show you how to implement the SAME strategies that I'm personally using to earn a paycheck by shopping and evaluating businesses in my area.

If you would like to learn how to become a professional mystery shopper you should let me show you how. It does not matter if you are male or female, 18 to 81. I will show you step by step how to to earn a paycheck by shopping and evaluating businesses in your area.

You are probably asking yourself Why would a company pay me to shop?

Companies want to know if policies are being followed, if customers are being satisfied, and that their business is running just like it should.

So they hire "Mystery Shoppers" to come in and act as if they're normal customers to see that everything is going as it should.

Your job as a "Mystery Shopper" would be to provide businesses with an impartial, honest and anonymous evaluation of all they have to offer. If a business needs to be sure that their average customer is being well treated, then YOU play that very roll. You take on whatever roll that is needed, so, not only will you be tasting, sampling and testing what these businesses have to offer, but you'll also provide them with valuable data.

The answers to the below questions are VALUABLE to companies and they are willing to pay very well for the answers to them.

  • How well were you treated?
  • Was your overall experience positive or negative?
  • Were the employees friendly and courteous?
  • Did you encounter any problems?

As a Mystery Shopper, there's only one way to get the answers and that is by Mystery Shopping!

But Can You Really Make Good Money As A Mystery Shopper?

For example read this NY Times Article about a New York Woman that makes $7000.00 per month by mystery shopping! I want to be perfectly honest, I can not guarantee that you will make $7000.00 per month it all depends on you. I can guarantee that if you like to shop and would like to get paid for it, then mystery shopping is the perfect job for you.

As a Mystery Shopper

  • You can work full or part-time.
  • You determine the hours and days you want to work.
  • You can pick and choose only the "jobs" you want to take!
  • Flexible schedule and hours.
  • You can bring your spouse or your kids on assignments with you.

Imagine a lazy afternoon "working". You start out shopping at Bloomingdale's, then have lunch at The Olive Garden. Then you enjoy two more assignments, shopping at NIKE and The GAP, before having dinner at Red Lobster. And imagine being paid by each of the places -- not just for the items you purchased, but also for the services you provided.

The Demand For Mystery Shoppers is HUGE!

Restaurants, Fast Food Places, Golf Courses, Bars, Casinos, Liquor Stores, Movie Theaters, Retail Stores, Online Stores and a long list of others are in desperate need of Mystery Shoppers right now. And as a result of this increasing need, these companies are paying very well for people to come in and enjoy their establishment by shopping or eating.

Can You Think of a Better Conversation Starter Than Saying You're a Mystery Shopper?

Imagine the next time someone asks what you do for a living being able to tell them that you get paid to shop and eat! People get so curious about the job! You can feel their excitement at the prospect of getting paid to shop. And you'll feel great knowing you're doing something well respected by your peers, getting paid well to do it, and having fun all at the same time!



Introduction Photography Jobs

Hello, my name is John Carroll, and I'm about to introduce you to an industry that's virtually unknown to most people. If you are tired of all the "get-rich-quick" scams and schemes out there, and would like to earn an honest, full or part-time income doing simple digital photography jobs in your local area, this opportunity may be for you.

Our industry provides specialized services to major lending, leasing and insurance institutions nationwide. There is currently an extreme nationwide shortage of trained individuals to perform these services on a local level. If you are dependable, own a 2 mega pixel or greater digital camera, and have a computer with internet access, I have 100+ NATIONAL COMPANIES that would love to hear from you right now!

About This Industry...

Lending, Leasing and Insurance institutions nationwide have vested interests in homes, cars, commercial property, businesses, trucks, RVs, boats, or any entity requiring financing or insurance. These institutions need to have updated and accurate information on the condition of this property continuously. It is simply not cost effective for them to have their own "reps" in every single town (zip code) in the United States. So, these institutions sub-contract out this work to freelance "reps" (like you) all over the country.

Since most financing, insurance policies, mortgages, leases, etc. are now completed online, or via 800 telephone numbers, the need for these institutions on a local basis has decreased dramatically. This is where you come in! You will effectively become a representative for 100's of national companies who need constantly updated information from your local area.

For example: If someone from your hometown goes online and applies for a home loan from a national mortgage company in New York, Atlanta or Los Angeles. This mortgage company may require some digital photos and a few measurements of the property before processing the loan. It is simply not cost effective for them to fly someone to your hometown for this 15 minute photography and measuring job. This is where you'd come in. Are you starting to see the potential here? Thanks to internet and 1-800 companies, there is already an extreme shortage of local "reps" nationwide, and the need is growing exponentially. These companies will be happy to hear from you once you are ready to accept assignments.

To put all of this in perspective, just try to imagine ALL of the people in YOUR LOCAL AREA who are getting loans, leases or purchasing insurance ONLINE in a just one week's time. Very few people actually visit a "local" insurance, mortgage or loan company nowadays. However, someone still has to gather the photos and other information that these ONLINE companies REQUIRE in order to complete these transactions. Once again, this is where you come in! Are you starting to see how this all works, and why our services are so necessary?

This simple, but specialized work can be done by men, women, students, seniors, retirees, etc.. There is no cold calling, soliciting for work, or strange people coming to your home. There is no expensive photography equipment or special software needed. You do not have to lease an office or building. You can work right from your own home.

The 100+ NATIONAL COMPANIES (and growing) that I will introduce you to are actively seeking honest, reliable individuals in EVERY zip code in the United States (43,000 US zip codes). You can cover as many zip codes and work for as many companies as you can responsibly handle. These companies are NOT the actual lending, leasing and insurance institutions. These companies are contracted by these major institutions to gather the information (photos, reports, etc.) that they require. The more zip codes that each of these companies can cover, the more valuable they become to their clients.

You will be paid well to obtain this information. People just like you are getting paid $25, $50, and even $100 each for these simple freelance photography jobs and filling out the accompanying reports (mostly online). It takes only 5 -15 minutes to complete each assignment. Some reps are doing 10+ assignments daily.

Multiple Income Opportunities
Taking simple digital photographs and filling out forms is only one type of services that our "reps" perform for banking and insurance companies on a daily basis. My manual will introduce you to 12 additional, badly needed services (not all are photography related) that these institutions will pay you handsomely to perform. You are free to pick and choose the services that you are willing to perform. You will not find this kind of money making, "insider" information anywhere else.

Just look at your surrounding area! Count all of the businesses, cars, boats, planes, RVs, buildings, homes, heavy equipment, etc. that are financed, leased and insured through national companies. There just aren't enough independent "reps" out there to meet the demand. I have put together a simple, information packed, 36 page Business Start-Up Manual that will provide you with the step-by-step instructions and necessary industry resources that you'll need to get started.

Requirements Photographers Needed
There are no educational or work history requirements. However, you must be at least 18 or older and possess basic computer and photographic skills (take snapshots per instructions). You should also know how to upload photos from your digital camera to your PC and attach these photos to emails. Your photos will be emailed to the companies that request them.

Equipment: You will need access to an inexpensive digital camera with at least 2 mega pixel of resolution and flash for cloudy days, interiors or evenings (no cell phone cameras), a phone (cell phone preferably, but not required), a PC or MAC with internet access, tape measure, clip board, and transportation to and from assignments. That's about it.

Testimonials Photographers Wanted
John, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help and information. As a single mom and student, this is the easiest work that I've ever done. I am currently working for 3 great companies, and it is wonderful to be able to spend more time with my daughter and schedule my assignments around my busy life. Thank you so much! Susan D. CT
Hi John, I spent the first year of my retirement extremely bored, depressed and just barely getting by financially. I had over 10 of your companies contact me within a week of purchasing your manual. I am now working a couple of hours a day and earning almost as much as my retirement check. I am enjoying life again. This has been a true blessing. All the best, James L. MI
Hey John, Just wanted to thank you and let know that I will be graduating this year. I purchased your manual back in 2004. I have literally paid my way through college with your information. I now work for 2 companies and plan to do this full time once I graduate. By the way, if you are in Texas this spring, you are definitely invited to my graduation! Thanks for everything! Steven C. TX
John, I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me after I purchased your manual. I am now busy doing assignments for 2 of your companies. It is nice to meet an honest person with all of the scammers out there. Please feel free to post this email and my photo on your website. Thanks again, Sherry T. FL
FAQ's Freelance Photography

Q: What skills do I need to enter this field?

A: All you need are basic computer and photography skills.

Q: Do I have to go through any job "interviews" to work for these companies?

A: No. You will probably never actually meet anyone face-to-face from the companies that you will be working for. For instance; you may live in Arizona, but will be working for companies based in New York, Georgia and California. You'll receive your assignments via phone or email.

Q: How do I get assignments once I have finished your training manual?

A: I provide you with the names, websites and contact information for over 100 national firms that have a constant and growing need for trained "reps" throughout the US. These firm's clients include 1000's of banking, leasing and insurance institutions. Once you have completed my manual, I will also show you the proper way to contact them and let them know that you are ready to start accepting assignments.

Q: I have never done this before, how will I know what to do?

A: Don't worry, these companies are used to working with "newbies". When they give you assignments, they will tell you exactly what the need for you to do. Remember, you are an ASSET to them. They need you to service their clients. All of the companies in my manual have proven to be pleasant to work with. If I get any complaints, I'll remove them from my resource list.

Q: How often is your contact list updated?

A: I update it at least quarterly (every 90 days), or when new information dictates an update. It was last updated on 03-15-2010 and now includes over 100 (and growing) nationwide firms needing immediate help nationwide. Past purchasers can get the latest updates by simply emailing me.

Q: Is there anything else that I will have to purchase besides your manual?

A: There are no "add-on" or "back-end" products or scams here! My manual contains everything that you'll need to get started immediately. You also receive 12 sample forms used by these companies on actual assignments.

Q: Is this just another scam to get my money?

A: Trust me, I don't get rich selling my manuals. I make my living working in the industry. You are getting years of "insider" information that you can't find anywhere else.

Q: How hard is it to get started?

A: After you complete the manual, you will simply contact these companies (per my instructions) with the types of assignments that you are willing to accept, and the areas that you are willing to service . As you will discover, these companies constantly need new "reps" and will be happy to hear from you.

Q: How soon can I start making money?

A: Many people start receiving assignments immediately after submitting their information to the companies. However, in most cases, I would allow to 7 -14 days to be placed in their systems and begin receiving assignments. You will normally be paid by check for all assignments that you have completed on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, depending on the companies you are working for.

Q: What equipment will I need to get started?

A: To get started you will need transportation to and from assignments, home phone or cell phone, computer, measuring tape, and a basic digital camera (2 mega pixel or above w/flash), clipboard, notepad, pens. You must also have the ability to upload your photos to your computer so that you can email them to the companies.

Q: Do I have to get dressed up for assignments?

A: No. Most types of assignments require little or no contact with others. Blue jeans, sneakers and a polo/golf type shirt are perfectly acceptable.

Q: Will your program work in countries other than the US?

A: Not at this time. All of the resources found in my manual are US based.

Q: Am I limited to assignments my home town?

A: No. You can also service your surrounding counties/zip codes. You are not limited as to where you can accept assignments as long as you can complete your assignments in a timely manner. You are usually given 3-5 business days to complete each assignment. Rush jobs pay extra!

Q: What if I have questions after I purchase your program?

A: I truly want you to be happy and successful in this industry. You will receive unlimited email support. I normally answer emailed questions within 24 hours. Usually much faster.

Q: How long will it take for me to receive my purchase?

A: You will receive a download link for your Business Start-Up Manual, Sample Forms, and bonus "Make Money With Your Camera" manual immediately after your payment is made. They are in .PDF format and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. This is already installed on most computers, or you can easily download it for free from the link at the bottom of the page. New industry blog coming soon!

The Manual Photographers Wanted
My constantly updated manual contains years of industry contacts and resources, and will show you step-by-step how to get started in this virtually unknown "services" industry. It is in .PDF format so that you can download it and get started immediately!

"Finally, a genuine photographic opportunity that is truly in matter where you live!"

"John's step-by-step guide is so simple a third grader could follow it...the industry resources are priceless!"

"If you are tired of "get-rich-quick" scams and want to earn a great income with your need this information!"

"If you love photography, and have been searching for an easy way to earn some REAL money with your camera...this is it!"

*This manual is in .PDF format for immediate download.



Most job-seekers don't have a clue how to get their "foot in the company door" for a job opening... not one clue.

And forget about the job offer... many folks see several months fly by without landing one decent job INTERVIEW.

It's no big secret we are living in some of the most difficult and stressful times we've seen in years. And today's job market is a killer.

But if you'll give me just a few minutes of your time right now and keep an open mind...

... I'll reveal to you how to fill your calendar with more top job interview requests in the next 30 days than most job seekers will land in a year.

You're about to discover the KEY secrets 99% of all job-seekers will never know...

1. Nothing happens, and I mean NOTHING HAPPENS(!) until YOUR telephone rings for the job interview." Landing the job interview... getting your "foot in the company door" is ALL that matters! (Read that again, it's where your focus MUST be).

2. Resume Magic: A simple, well-written resume seasoned with a few special ingredients can flood your calendar with top job interview requests, easier and faster than you can ever imagine.

Did you get that? Your resume is an opportunity for you to "sell" yourself into a job interview.

A well written resume can double as a fantastic sales letter and the vast majority of job seekers do not understand this fact.

Imagine this scenario...

You are 'knee deep' into your job search. You're totally stressed out and money is beyond tight...

You need some serious help finding a job fast. So you decide to invest in a professionally written resume. You call the big name Resume Writing Service you heard about and plunk down a large sum of money so you can have a professional write your new resume.

Now you're really excited! You smile and think to yourself, "this ought to work some magic!"

You receive everything back from the resume service and it looks impressive! It's almost hard to believe they've written all this about YOU!

They even tossed in a "free" cover letter to go with your pricey resume.

You excitedly send off your resume and cover letter to many sources and contacts. You post your resume to several online job boards as well.

You start daydreaming that your telephone is ringing off the hook with multiple job interview requests, discussing several job offers, negotiating salaries...

Your daydream turns to a nightmare as you wait for the phone to ring... and wait... and wait some more. Slowly you start to realize...

... Absolutely NOTHING is happening... NOTHING!

How exasperating! The resume writer guaranteed you would land more job interviews. After all, this company has been in business for over 20 years. They also charge a fortune. (Over $300 dollars... ouch!)

Here's what REALLY happened... With 367 people all applying for the same position as you, the pile of resumes and cover letters to sort through was massive, and your application, like 95% of them, was treated like an old newspaper and tossed right into the recycle bin.

Why? Because your resume and cover letter did nothing to stand out and grab the attention of the employer!

As usual, 95% of the resumes didn't even get a second look and their respective cover letters were trashed as well.

Your competitors, just like a stampeding herd of cattle, are chasing the same job that you are. Everyone's using the same type of resume writing services and reading the same resume books. And they are flooding the desk of the same hiring manager you're trying to reach. The ONLY difference in this huge pile of applications are the peoples' names!

Not one resume has an ATTENTION-GRABBING, PERSONAL element to stimulate the employer enough to get you that "foot in the company door" you need to get an interview.

You might as well go buy a lottery ticket!

Typical and sad... but it does not have to go this way for you.

One afternoon I thought to myself, boy would it be easy for a job-seeker to stand out from the crowd in any field and land the exact job interview he or she desired if only they had the properly-worded resume.

So, one winter day I decided to write a couple of resumes sprinkled with some of my best "magic sales letter dust." I sat down and did just that. These resumes were fantastic and I knew they would bring in results like never before.

I then selected a few job-seekers who could put these resumes to the test.

The results? The only two words that matter: PHONE CALLS! A big increase in job interview requests. It was exciting, but to be honest, I was not surprised.

These special resumes did something most resumes don't. They actually made the interview decision easy for the employer! WHY? Because they were written with the major emphasis on getting the job-seeker called for the interview!

The main focus was on getting employers to say to themselves, "Hmmm... you know what, I want to meet this person. I'm going to book an interview right now before another employer does."


(The difference? These resumes clearly and directly ASKED for the opportunity to be interviewed in a way that practically forces companies to call. They'll want to speak with you).

That's the secret!

Two years later, I took the career industry by storm when I unleashed my breakthrough job-seeker tool called the, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator" and I've followed that up with my brand new, "Amazing Resume Creator."

I am the only professional copywriter from the sales and marketing field I've ever seen that has ever applied proven trade secrets to creating powerful resumes and cover letters for job-seekers.

My amazing resumes can instantly cut your job search in half, saving you time, energy, stress and money.


Monday, April 19, 2010


Click Point:

We uncover the best kept employment secret. Ever wonder why some unlikely guys get a job in oil and gas and you don't?

Do you want a better job? Getting a job in oil and gas is not like getting a job in any other industry! Our Job is to help you.

Our dependable services make the difference between getting a high paid oil job or not.

Make this the turning point in your life. Who knows where it could lead? In a few days you could be starting a new high paid job with infinite possibilities. Perhaps you have the ability to be in charge of over 100 people and a rig. This industry is one that really likes to promote from within. You could travel the world and get paid a massive wage with half the year off.

We provide advice that you can't get anywhere else, and we give you the encouragement that you need to succeed.

We will send you "fantastic information" that will really help you find a new job or get a start.
If you have tried in the past to get a job, but failed, you will know why when you read our free information.

It doesn't feel like real work. I started answering surveys and participating in focus groups 5 years ago and in a short month I made $852.00. Four months later I was making $4200. The key is to learn how you can take serious VIP surveys and triple or quadruple your paycheck. Over the past few years, I strategically partnered with the world's largest companies to offer Paid Surveys to my clients. Let me show you how easy it is to make money just by giving your opinion. I will personally guarantee that you will earn money like you never thought it was possible! Take 5 minutes to read my site and change your life forever.

I'd like to share a personal story with you. Five years ago I was laid of from my administrative position at a Fortune 500 company. We had to rely on my husband's income. I was broke, desperate and could not find a job. Then a friend introduced me to the world of marketing suveys.Within 5 months I was making more money answering surveys than I earned at my previous job.

Over the years I've met thousands of people who fell for work from home scams, such as envelope stuffing, multi level marketing, high yield investment sales, selling inferior products and services. At my seminars and classes they all ask me one thing "WHY HAVEN'T I LEARNED ABOUT PAID ONLINE SURVEYS BEFORE?"

Just like you, I've been stranded, stuck, broke and helpless. I wish I had someone to show me the ropes. I want to show you how easy it is to earn money with a computer and an internet connection.


Clik here:

Before you jump to any wild conclusions ... let me say that you will NOT make $136,808 this month - or next month - using the online money-making methods I'm teaching to 500 lucky people.

There are plenty of websites out there making ridiculous promises of instant Internet riches, but the truth is ... it's taken me years to get where I am today. I sure didn't "get rich quick" online.

But I did get rich - using only my laptop computer and an Internet connection.

And to prove that this offer is 100% real I made this live video to show you that I really do earn ridiculous amounts of money online, so you know I'm not wasting your time ...

If you have a digital camera (or you are thinking about getting one) and you have ever wished that you had more money coming in to pay off debts, buy those little extras you’ve always wanted, or just to save for a rainy day … then this is definitely the most important letter you'll read today!

Here’s why:

I’m about to reveal how you can make up to hundreds or even thousands of extra dollars a week taking pictures and submitting them onto the internet in your spare time! You can make money even if you have absolutely no photography training to speak of because my proven and tested system introduces you to several photography opportunities that are so easy - even "newbies" can make money with them. These powerful, genuine, and legit photography opportunities require no need for expensive photography printers or machinery!

It’s true.

You don't need any special printers or expensive photography equipment because all of the pictures you take will be uploaded directly to the internet! You don’t need to know anything about digital cameras or photography to make money with this system, as I am prepared to teach you exactly what you need to do in order to get started right away.

  • How to earn ongoing residual revenue by submitting photos to newly discovered in demand photo sitesfollow these tips to earn profits from your digital photographs around the clock, 24/7 - Make money even while you are sleeping!
  • How to ensure you are getting the best fee possible for each photo you upload online – don’t get taken advantage of ... find out here how to ensure you are paid what your photos are really worth!
  • A little-known photography market that is exploding thanks to the internet – act now to get in on the ground floor of this exciting opportunity that could very easily allow you to earn a full or part-time income!
  • How to get very-very large commissions by taking pictures of vehicles for sale in your local area and uploading them onto eBay motors. I'll show you how I regularly get commissions of $500 - $2000 for just a few hours worth of work!
  • How to put yourself in a buyer’s shoes and always shoot to sell – find out what buyers are looking for and the easiest ways for you to deliver exactly what they need!
  • Who pays the highest rates – and how to get them to not just accept your work but beg for it!
  • How to turn your photos into screen savers and other money-making products – follow these tips to create multiple revenue streams that will send profits flooding your way!
  • How to easily find websites that will practically beg you for your photos - and who’ll be willing to pay a premium for each photo you submit to them!
  • How to select the right keywords to use with your photos when you upload them online – use the wrong keywords and your sales may slowly suffer, use the right keywords and sales will soar rapidly ... find out everything you need to know to ensure the latter here!
  • What a "field rep" is and how you can start providing this in-demand service immediately – this could be the money-producing opportunity that you have been dreaming about!
  • How to sell your images on your own website and keep all the profits for yourself – includes expert advice on how to post your photos on a web page, how to flood your site with traffic and how to write copy that is sure to sell your photos like crazy!
  • How to sell your images offline – discover everything you need to know to open your own profitable brick and mortar photography store!
  • How to make money in the competitive world of celebrity gossip sites – these tips will give you the advantage you need to begin dominating the competition!
  • How to take pictures of sporting events and sell them online – it’s not as difficult as you might think … in fact, follow these tips and it will be downright easy to earn extra money this way!
  • How to dramatically improve your chances of getting each one of your photos accepted by all of the photo sites.
  • How to make your images look professional for extra cash even if you are an amateur just starting out – find out how to get the perfect shot every time!
  • What to take pictures of – find out what types of images are in the most demand here!
  • How to sell your photos like hotcakes on eBay – you’ll be amazed at how easy this is to do when you follow these simple tips!
  • And much, much more!


clik here:
"In Only 3½ Minutes, You Can Quickly And Easily Crank Out A Killer Cover Letter That Is Guaranteed To Have Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With Hot Job Interviews And Top Job Offers... Without Writing One Word!"

Most job seekers don't have a clue about getting their "foot in the door" for a job opening... not a clue.

Forget about job offers... many people see months fly by without landing ONE decent job INTERVIEW.

It's no secret we're living in some of the most stressful and difficult times in years — and today's job market is a killer.

But if you'll keep an open mind and give me a few minutes of your time right now...

... I'll show you how to flood your calendar with more hot job interview requests and top job offers this month than most of your competition will land all year.

It's so easy when you discover the KEY secrets 99.9% of job-seekers will never know...

1. Nothing happens — and I mean NOTHING HAPPENS! — until your phone rings for the job interview. Landing that first job interview... getting your "foot in the door" is ALL that matters! This is where ALL of your focus needs to be. (Read that again).

2. A "perfect" resume is highly overrated. Yes, you read that correctly. Don't get me wrong, you need a resume; but don't worry yourself sick if yours isn't "perfect." Resumes are not nearly as important as you might think they are. (Oh boy, I can hear the career-industry "experts" screaming already).

3. Cover Letter Magic: A simple, carefully written cover letter sprinkled with a few proven, magical marketing ingredients can fill your calendar with quality job interviews, faster and easier than you'd ever imagine.

Why? Because A Truly Amazing
Cover Letter Is Not A Cover Letter
At All... It's A SALES Letter!

Your cover letter is the ONLY chance you have to "sell" yourself for the opportunity to be interviewed for the job.

Resumes DO NOT sell
. They're not built to sell. And most of the time, unless your resume is outstanding, it can actually end up hurting your job search! (I'll bet you never heard that before.)

A brilliantly worded cover letter is the ULTIMATE sales letter and practically no one understands this fact. Most cover letters do nothing to land the job interview.

The vast majority of your competition simply "throws" together any old cover letter, just so they have something to attach to their average resume.

Imagine this for a moment...

You are knee deep in your job search. You're stressed out and money is tight...

You wanted some help finding a new job, so you decided to invest in a professionally written resume. You called the big Resume Writing Service you read about and plunked down a significant sum of cash to have a professional write your resume.

Suddenly you're excited! You think to yourself, "This ought to do the trick!"

You get everything back from the writing service and boy, does it look impressive! You can hardly believe it's YOU they've written about!

They've even included a "free" cover letter with your expensive resume order.

You eagerly send off your cover letter and resume to several contacts and sources.

You daydream about your phone ringing off the hook with interview requests, discussing multiple job offers, negotiating salaries...

You wait for a response... and wait... and wait some more.

Your daydream turns into a nightmare as you slowly start to realize...

...NOTHING is happening... NOTHING!

How maddening! The resume writer guaranteed you'd land job interviews because her company is the biggest and best around. They've been in business for years. They also charge the most. (Over $300... ouch!)

Here's what REALLY happened...

With 267 applicants all applying for the same job as you, the stack of cover letters and resumes to sort through was enormous, and your application, like almost everyone else's, was passed over like yesterday's newspaper and tossed right in the trash can.

Why? Because your cover letter and resume did nothing to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of the Hiring Manager!

As usual, 95% of the cover letters didn't even get a second glance and their respective resumes were ignored altogether.

Your competition, just like a gang of bloodhounds, are chasing the same job as you are. Every one of them used the same writing services and cover letter books. They've flooded the desk of the same employer you've been trying to reach. The ONLY real difference in this big stack of applications are the applicants' names!

Not one cover letter had a PERSONAL, ATTENTION-GRABBING element that stimulated the employer enough to give you the "foot in the door" you need to land the job interview.

You might as well be playing the lottery!

Sad and typical... but it doesn't have to be this way for you.

# # # #

I'm about to show you how to land more job interviews than you'll know what to do with. It's so incredibly easy to stand out from the crowd when 99% of ALL job-seekers keep doing the same thing everyone else does!

A Dirty Little Secret That The Big,
Expensive Resume-Writing Companies
Hope You Never Find Out About...

They hope you never find out that a perfectly written cover letter is actually more important to your job search than the resume!

Understand this: A well-written cover letter can literally flood your calendar with more quality job interviews — even when you lack experience or have a weak resume. Yes, I know, you've always been told the exact opposite, that the resume is by far the most important career document.


Because resume writing is big, BIG business, that's why!

Of course you need a resume, it's a standard career document. But as I said before, don't worry yourself sick if yours isn't flawless. As you're about to find out, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.

The only thing that REALLY matters, the bottom line
is getting your foot in the company door. Agreed?

The most-overlooked moneymaking secret in today's job market is the 'humble' cover letter. Perfectly focused cover letters are the fastest, easiest way to dramatically increase your job interviews and job offers, PERIOD.

Just ONE Amazing Cover Letter Can Truly
Land You The Job Of Your Dreams.

I've written more than 150 articles — published in the Job Seeker Weekly, Career News, Net-Temps, Job Bank USA, and the Star Tribune just to name a few — on the topic of writing highly effective cover letters. Recently, I started off one of my articles by saying, "Cover letters get no respect."

Boy, is that the truth!

Most job seekers will slap together any old letter — just so they have SOMETHING attached to their resume. MASSIVE mistake.

One "typical," "average" cover letter attached to your resume can KILL months of your precious time, producing little to no results and costing you thousands of dollars in lost income while providing you nothing but stress and anxiety in return.

One brilliantly worded cover letter can change your life overnight. It's all in the WORDS.

While Your Competitors Wait By The Phone
Hoping For It To Ring... You'll Be Booked For A
Month Solid With Quality Job Interviews!

Here's Why...

I'm About To Turn... Your Tired, Worn-Out, Run-Of-The-Mill, Stiff, Stale, Overly Professional, Big-Worded, Long Winded, Booooriiiing Cover Letter, Into... An Attention-Getting, Interview-Grabbing, Job-Landing, 'Dynamite' Cover Letter!

Your Job Search Is A Marketing Campaign... YOU Are The Product... And Your Cover Letter Is The Salesperson! Remember This Fact: A Resume Can't SELL... A Cover Letter MUST.

My name is Jimmy Sweeney and for the past 23 years, I've been a professional copywriter and the President/CEO of a unique marketing and advertising company located in Calabasas, California.

I Write Results-Focused Sales Letters For A Living.
And For The Last Several Years, I've Been Writing The
World's Most Effective Cover Letters For Thousands Of
Thrilled Men And Women All Over The Globe.

As a business owner, I receive countless cover letters and resumes from job seekers. Over the past 20 years, I've personally reviewed hundreds of job applications.

Here's a sad fact: Less than one tenth of one percent of all the cover letters I've ever read has captured my interest enough, to a point where I said to myself, "Jimmy, you must call this person for an interview right now, before it's too late!"

That is a RARE event. You're much more likely to spot Big Foot running through the woods on your next camping trip!

Even when a cover letter does get noticed, it always makes employers work way too hard trying to figure out whether they should call the person in for the interview.

True Story...

One afternoon, I thought to myself, "Boy, it'd be so easy for job seekers to stand out from the crowd in any field — landing the exact job interviews they desire — if only they had the properly worded cover letter."

So, one day I decided to write a couple of job search cover letters sprinkled with some of my best "magic sales letter dust." I sat down and did just that. They were fantastic letters, and I knew they would bring in results like never before.

Then I selected a few job seekers who could put these special letters to the test.

The results? Two words: PHONE CALLS! A massive increase in job-interview requests. I was excited, but to be honest, I was not surprised at all.

These special letters did something no cover letter had ever effectively done before: They actually made the interview decision easy for the employer! WHY? Because I'd written them with the major emphasis on getting the job seeker called for the interview!

The main focus was on getting employers to say to themselves, "Hmmm... you know what, I want to meet this person. I like the tone of this letter... it's straight to the point... I'm going to book an interview right now."


(You see, these letters clearly and directly ASKED for the opportunity to be interviewed in a way that practically forces hiring managers to call. They want to speak with you).

That's the secret... that's the difference!

Two years later, I took the career industry by storm when I unleashed my breakthrough job-seeker tool, the new "Amazing Cover Letter Creator."