Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Most job-seekers don't have a clue how to get their "foot in the company door" for a job opening... not one clue.

And forget about the job offer... many folks see several months fly by without landing one decent job INTERVIEW.

It's no big secret we are living in some of the most difficult and stressful times we've seen in years. And today's job market is a killer.

But if you'll give me just a few minutes of your time right now and keep an open mind...

... I'll reveal to you how to fill your calendar with more top job interview requests in the next 30 days than most job seekers will land in a year.

You're about to discover the KEY secrets 99% of all job-seekers will never know...

1. Nothing happens, and I mean NOTHING HAPPENS(!) until YOUR telephone rings for the job interview." Landing the job interview... getting your "foot in the company door" is ALL that matters! (Read that again, it's where your focus MUST be).

2. Resume Magic: A simple, well-written resume seasoned with a few special ingredients can flood your calendar with top job interview requests, easier and faster than you can ever imagine.

Did you get that? Your resume is an opportunity for you to "sell" yourself into a job interview.

A well written resume can double as a fantastic sales letter and the vast majority of job seekers do not understand this fact.

Imagine this scenario...

You are 'knee deep' into your job search. You're totally stressed out and money is beyond tight...

You need some serious help finding a job fast. So you decide to invest in a professionally written resume. You call the big name Resume Writing Service you heard about and plunk down a large sum of money so you can have a professional write your new resume.

Now you're really excited! You smile and think to yourself, "this ought to work some magic!"

You receive everything back from the resume service and it looks impressive! It's almost hard to believe they've written all this about YOU!

They even tossed in a "free" cover letter to go with your pricey resume.

You excitedly send off your resume and cover letter to many sources and contacts. You post your resume to several online job boards as well.

You start daydreaming that your telephone is ringing off the hook with multiple job interview requests, discussing several job offers, negotiating salaries...

Your daydream turns to a nightmare as you wait for the phone to ring... and wait... and wait some more. Slowly you start to realize...

... Absolutely NOTHING is happening... NOTHING!

How exasperating! The resume writer guaranteed you would land more job interviews. After all, this company has been in business for over 20 years. They also charge a fortune. (Over $300 dollars... ouch!)

Here's what REALLY happened... With 367 people all applying for the same position as you, the pile of resumes and cover letters to sort through was massive, and your application, like 95% of them, was treated like an old newspaper and tossed right into the recycle bin.

Why? Because your resume and cover letter did nothing to stand out and grab the attention of the employer!

As usual, 95% of the resumes didn't even get a second look and their respective cover letters were trashed as well.

Your competitors, just like a stampeding herd of cattle, are chasing the same job that you are. Everyone's using the same type of resume writing services and reading the same resume books. And they are flooding the desk of the same hiring manager you're trying to reach. The ONLY difference in this huge pile of applications are the peoples' names!

Not one resume has an ATTENTION-GRABBING, PERSONAL element to stimulate the employer enough to get you that "foot in the company door" you need to get an interview.

You might as well go buy a lottery ticket!

Typical and sad... but it does not have to go this way for you.

One afternoon I thought to myself, boy would it be easy for a job-seeker to stand out from the crowd in any field and land the exact job interview he or she desired if only they had the properly-worded resume.

So, one winter day I decided to write a couple of resumes sprinkled with some of my best "magic sales letter dust." I sat down and did just that. These resumes were fantastic and I knew they would bring in results like never before.

I then selected a few job-seekers who could put these resumes to the test.

The results? The only two words that matter: PHONE CALLS! A big increase in job interview requests. It was exciting, but to be honest, I was not surprised.

These special resumes did something most resumes don't. They actually made the interview decision easy for the employer! WHY? Because they were written with the major emphasis on getting the job-seeker called for the interview!

The main focus was on getting employers to say to themselves, "Hmmm... you know what, I want to meet this person. I'm going to book an interview right now before another employer does."


(The difference? These resumes clearly and directly ASKED for the opportunity to be interviewed in a way that practically forces companies to call. They'll want to speak with you).

That's the secret!

Two years later, I took the career industry by storm when I unleashed my breakthrough job-seeker tool called the, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator" and I've followed that up with my brand new, "Amazing Resume Creator."

I am the only professional copywriter from the sales and marketing field I've ever seen that has ever applied proven trade secrets to creating powerful resumes and cover letters for job-seekers.

My amazing resumes can instantly cut your job search in half, saving you time, energy, stress and money.


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